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Competitive Committee

Todd Thomasson

Vice-President of Competitive League

PPIL Hotline Number --- (972) 665-6804 for assistance while at the fields/during games.

Phone: 972-665-6804

Need to contact the league outside of normal business hours...


Referee Committee - Ask a Referee

Please click on the envelope to email your league director. 

Competitive League Director Contact

Plano Premier League Director

PYSA Office Staff

Gina White

Executive Director

Phone: 972-422-7972 ext 306

Plano Youth Soccer Association
221 West Parker Road, Suite 480
Plano, Texas 75023

Phone: 972-422-7972
Fax: 972-516-2216

Michelle Morgan


Phone: 972-422-7972 x305

Donna Myatt

Administrative Assistant

Phone: 972-422-7972 x301